Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Fun With Paper!

Ladies, Just wanted to show you what fun we've been having with paper! The frame I did for a customer. Isn't it amazing how neat your pictures look in a frame with just a little bit of color and journaling around them? What an awesome gift for someone! They'll remember it for life. The bouquet was brought in by one of my customers, whose niece made the flowers out of.....are you ready for this???.....Yup, that's right....SCRAPBOOK PAPER!!!! Awesomely awesome! A whole new way to look at weddings! (And you don't even have to refrigerate the flowers after the ceremony!!!) Can we say....SAVE MONEY??? Also, I'm throwing this one in for free
just cuz' I'm bored today. lol. Do you like my daughter's new hat?

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