Thursday, May 16, 2013

Sad news, plus 2 prayer requests.

First of all, two prayer requests:

1.  A friend of mine's father, Ivan Weber, fell and broke a hip and is hospitalized and in need of prayer.

2.  Kobe Mueller, Kathy's husband, is pretty much in constant pain and has heart issues.  He needs to be covered in prayer.

O.k., now the sad news.  Got 2B Scrappin' will be closing.  Starting next week: 5/20, EVERYTHING in the store will be 25% off.  If you want paper racks or fixtures, furniture, macines, etc., make an offer and I'll see what we can do.  I am in no hurry to close, so 25% may be the best off we do, as I can list the items on my Ebay store and sell them there if they don't sell here.

We also will be reducing the store's open days to 3 1/2 per week, instead of 5 1/2 days.  Next week, we'll be open Mon., Weds,  Fri., and Sat.  Will advise on the weeks after that.  If you have store credit, a gift certificate, or some cards from a past class that need to be finished up, I would prefer that you do so as soon as possible.

Thanks all of you for your support.  Wish we could stay around to continue helping with your paper crafting needs!

Also, I'm in search of a job, so if you hear anything, please let me know.

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