Thursday, April 28, 2011

Upcoming Bo Bunny Lines, etc.


Just thought I'd mention that Bo Bunny has 3 ADORABLE new lines coming out next month. We will be getting them all in at the store. CUTE!!! One is a line of beach/summer vacations papers and stickers called "Barefoot & Bliss". Another is a GORGEOUS new line of Patriotic/4th of July papers called "Liberty", and the last (and Bev's favorite!!!) is a new line of safari/animal skin/zoo papers and embellishments called "Zoology". You can see the papers online at if you can't wait! Cute, cute, CUTE!!!! I'll blog when they arrive.

Also, some of you were expressing some interest in bottle caps. My largest vendor just got in a huge line of different types of not only bottlecaps (different metals, sizes, shapes, etc.), but also the inserts to go inside the bottle caps. Please e-mail or call the store if you are still interested in Bev ordering any of these for you!

Bev (Whose yard is 12 feet tall as she can't get out in it to mow without drowning!) :-)

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