Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Don't forget about the mega crop on Friday, 3/18 and Sat. 3/19. Hours are 6 p.m. to midnite on Friday. Leave your stuff here, and come back on Saturday and finish up! Saturday hours are 8 a.m. to midnite. Snacks, meals, drinks, and prizes provided!!! Only $25 for the Saturday crop only....$30 for the Friday and Saturday crops!

New stuff:

Happy Mother's Day mounted rubber stamps; blue cap and gown dimensional stickers (we already have black gowns and white gowns); GORGEOUS pink and lavender, glittery butterfly stickers (dimensional); Tour de France and Bohemian Floral prints from Graphic 45's new Cirque de Soleil series; 2 gorgeous new Valentine papers (that I could SHOOT the vendor for for not having here before Valentine's Day!!!!); a new Cropper Hopper Cricut cartride and overlay storage container with handle, etc.

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