Tuesday, November 27, 2012

December Class Calendar

December Class Calendar/Schedule:

Sat. - Dec. 1 thru Sat. - Dec. 8:  Bring in a non-perishable canned or boxed food item and receive 10% off your purchases on those dates.  All food collected will be donated to Catholic Charities.

Fri. - Dec. 7 - PJ Crop - 5 p.m. - Midnite - $5 plus a snack to share

Bring whatever you'd like to work on, and join us for a peaceful, fun night of crafting, companionship, and chewing!  Finish up those handmade gift items, Christmas cards, or just scrapbook.  You will be able to use the store punches, Grand Calibur, Cricut, etc.  You will need to call the store before noon on Friday to reserve your spot.

Tues. - Dec. 11 - Cookie and Recipe Exchange - 6 - 7 or 8 p.m. - FREE!

Bring in 10 copies of your favorite holiday cookie recipe, along with two dozen of the cookies.  We will exchange cookie recipes, sample all of the delicious cookies, and visit away!  Milk, hot tea, and coffee will be provided.  Please call the store to sign up ahead of time as I will need a head count as to the number of recipes we should each be bringing.

Mon. - Dec. 24 (Christmas Eve) - Store will close at 3:00 p.m. for the holiday.

Tues. - Dec. 25 (Christmas Day) - Store will be closed in order to celebrate the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Merry Christmas to all of you and yours!!!!

Weds. - Dec. 26 - thru Fri. - Dec. 28 at 5:30 p.m. - Inventory Reduction $ale - $25% off storewide, excluding scrapping/card easels, cutters, ATG guns, scrap cabinet, and die cutting machines, which will be 15% off.  ALSO, 70% off entire sale area, including sale papers and all embellishments!    We'd rather sell it than count it!  Come help us out and receive some tremendous savings!

Sat. - Dec. 29 thru Tues. - Jan. 1 - Store closed for Inventory.  Happy New Year, Everyone!!!

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