Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Caramel Popcorn


Here is the recipe for the FABULOUS caramel popcorn that Amy F. brought to the last PJ Crop. Thanks for sharing, Amy!!!!

Pop corn puffs.
One big bowl
put in 1 bag of puffs.
1/2 cup of your favorite nut

1/2 cup White corn syrup
1 stick real Butter...It has to be real stuff
1 cup brown sugar
Bring to boil ...Then boil 2 minutes
tsp Vanilla
1 tsp. baking powder soda ...
Stir in baking powered .Mixer will be foamy...
Pour over puffs
Put in a pan.Sprayed Pam.
One big roasting pan.I us a big the biggest pan i have.
Bake at 250. For 45 minutes
Stir ever 15 minutes.
Put on wax paper to cool enjoy.
When I make these I double it.But you do have to us 2 big pans

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